Roberto Valdeón(罗伯特•瓦尔迪昂)

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Roberto Valdeón(罗伯特•瓦尔迪昂)

  荣誉教授:Roberto Valdeón(罗伯特•瓦尔迪昂),教授



  工作经历:2013.6 获评西班牙教育部正教授资格1999— 西班牙奥维耶多大学1990-1999 英国格拉斯哥大学讲师

  学术职务:2011— A1级别期刊Perspectives: Studies in Translatology(《视角:翻译学研究》)主编2003— 在A1级期刊Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics(《国际应用语言学期刊》)编辑


  国际学术性奖励和荣誉:2007-2011 英语研究西班牙协会翻译部主席;在7个权威国际翻译学术会议中担任主席或主旨发言人;此外,2019年11月,在我院与暨南大学翻译学院共同举办的第三届“全球化视域下的口笔译”国际研讨会(The 3rd International Symposium on “Globalization: Challenges for Translators and Interpreters”)上做主旨发言嘉宾。

  学术成果:--- 专著:1. Translation and the Spanish Empire in the Americas (《美洲西班牙帝国和翻译》)2. Translating Information(《翻译信息》)--- 重要论文:1. (2014) The 1992 Retranslation of Brevísima relación de la destrucción de las Indias. Translation Studies. Indexed in Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index.2. (2013) Hispanic or Latino. The Use of Politicized Terms for the Hispanic Minority in US Official Documents and Quality News Outlets. Language and Intercultural Communication, 13:4, 433-449. Incluida en Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, European Reference Index for the Humanities.3. (2013) The Use of Latin American, Hispanic and Latino in US Academic Articles. Terminology, 19:1, 112-137. Indexed in Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, European Reference Index for the Humanities.4. (2013) Doña Marina/La Malinche: A Historiographical Approach to the Interpreter/Traitor. Target, 25:2, 157-179.Indexed in Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, European Reference Index for the Humanities.5. (2012) Translation and the Crónica del Perú: The Voices of Cieza de León. Philological Quaterly , 91:4. Incluida en Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Scopus, European Reference Index for the Humanities.6. (2012) Tears of the Indies and the Power of Translation. Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 89:6, 839858. Indexed in Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, European Reference Index for the Humanities.7. (2012) From the Dutch Corantos to Convergence Journalism. Meta, 57:4. Special issue devoted to Journalism and Translation. Indexed in Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, European Reference Index for the Humanities.8. (2011) On Fictional Turns, Fictionalizing Twists and the Invention of the Americas. Translation and Interpreting Studies, 6:1, 207-224. Guest-edited by Luc Van Doorslaer and Peter Flynn. Indexed in Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index.9.(2020)Literary Translation Research in China, Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice. (以广东外语外贸大学南国商学院为第一作者单位发表)10.(2020)On the Interface Between Journalism and Translation Studies: A Historical Overview and Suggestions for Collaborative Research,Journalism Studies. (以广东外语外贸大学南国商学院为第一作者单位发表) 时间:Sep 10, 2020 10:56:00 AM


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